
"I can't help it. I just get so mad and I start yelling. It's just who I am. I can't stop it,"she explains her outburst. Over and over the pattern is repeated, wrecking havoc on our family. Praise God for His wisdom that He generously provides a seeking parent. Consequences are set and a game plan is established.  The grueling part is implementing these. Prayer is petitioned surrounding the heart of this loved child. Then...a good day. She even offered to clean the basement. Two-days into this, I realize, it's the prayers of those I trust whom have lifted up my child creating the change in her little heart. God has answered these prayers and my daughter's.
A week later at breakfast reading Jesus Calling for Kids, she reads,
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17"….I want you to do great things for My kingdom. First, though, you have to give Me control of your old life. Let Me have your old worries, you old struggles, your old temptations and sins. I will throw them all away so that I can work in your life.
She pauses, contemplating. "Mom, that's just like me." She has an odd way of reading my mind!
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. 2 Corinthians 2:14a
We will all miss the mark from time to time. I mess up daily! Hourly! But God chooses to use us despite ourselves to spread the good news of Christ to those in our influence.
What past sins and habits are you holding onto right now? "Let it go!" as Elsa would sing. Give these to God. Even though we are inadequate, He will victoriously use us for His glory.


Littlemas2 said...


I really resonate with the post. I know Traci and I are really having to learn to pray more for our kids. We do not look for the answer to those prayers as often as we should.

Thanks for you insight.


tsec said...

How fitting that my husband would leave a comment too (and about some of the same thoughts) . The Lord has really been working on the role of prayer in my life. It is only when we are living a praying life that we see the power of God at work making us &those we love new. Praise be to God for His gospel power at work in our lives!