
Disappointed with myself, pondering,  "What happened last night?" God keeps planting Psalm 16:11 in my mind.
You have made known to me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11
I knew the good I ought to do, but last night I had stopped entertaining His presence and now in the morning, my joy was paper thin.
Likewise, the engineer and I can be in the same room without acknowledging each other's presence. We can live under the same roof, but hardly speak to one another or touch one another. There's no joy in that relationship. I may choose to never leave the engineer, but that commitment alone doesn't ensure a meaningful relationship. However, when we choose to engage in conversation, take a stroll around the neighborhood or read side by side with our legs draped over one another, the relationship is is truly satisfying and joyful.
The Holy Spirit that came to live in me when I first believed in Christ, and He will never leave me (John 6:37), but that doesn't mean I will always acknowledge His presence. God's plan for me is to engage in His presence throughout my entire day. I must constantly be fixing my mind on Christ or else my mind will naturally wander to the ways of this world.
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6
If I am not cognizant of the fact that the Holy Spirit is always within me, I won't entertain Him. If I am not entertaining God's presence within me, I will begin to entertain sin. This will be a snippy, smart, sarcastic reply to the golden heads. Or impatience, unrest, craving sinful desires, believing Satan's lies... Sometimes, if I just take a deep breath, saying to myself, I am controlled by the Holy Spirit, I can respond to any situation according His Word and fullness of joy is experienced.
What action will you take today to be consciously aware of God's presence throughout the day? Share your ideas and successes.


tsec said...

I will look for His beauty everywhere; in the landscape, in my children's laughter, call of a bird, in a kiss from my husband and I will give thanks, glorying in Him! I will also remember even the "bad" is good from Him and He will give me the grace to see it that way.

Becky DeWilde said...

Interesting you bring up the "bad." Just this past week, I was waiting in line for the bathroom and beginning to fume about the wait (and everything else pertaining to this pit stop on our road trip) when I sensed God's presence and realized He intended to teach me something. Even in the "bad," He is there.