
sterizo: To set fast, to fix firmly; to make steadfast in mind, confirm and strength. It seems like where we may get the english word, steroid. In looking at the various references to this word throughout the greek New Testament, I see two listed in the book of Romans: 1:11 and 16:25. Beginning and end chapters of this letter.
For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you-- Romans 1:11
Now to Him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ...Romans 16:25a
Paul longs to spiritually strengthen the Romans. God is able to spiritually strengthen us. I long to do the spiritual growth for my golden heads. But the work is God's. I can give them foundation and resources, but God makes them flourish. I am reminded of wisdom shared by my gracious mother-in-law who prayed during the younger years, "Lord, take my feeble attempts and work this out for good."
Whether you have your own little ones or have influence on lives of your disciples, acknowledge your own limitations and pray that God make them steadfast, stronger and built on solid foundation (1 Peter 5:10).

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