Helps me

Perched up on the booster beside me at the wheel, my boisterous one, struggling to kick the finger sucking habit. Riding in the car is the worst...what else is a 4-year old to do? Boredom is when we tend to fall into tendencies we'd rather not do. Brainstorming how to help her succeed, we dig her Bible out of her backpack so she might have something to hold instead of sucking her fingers. Ten minutes later, she says, "Mom, my Bible helps me not to suck." So simple, so true! When we struggle with the temptation, "my Bible helps me not to ___."
I know this is true. As I struggle with idolizing food. (Oh Jesus, when will I be set free from this battle?) I know that the times I've been set free in the past are the very same times I have looked to Jesus, quoted scripture and thanked Jesus. What I don't understand is why don't I remember that in the midst of the foggy battle.
I lift my eyes up to the mountains--where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2
Lord, help me always remember from where my help comes and look there and thank you for reminding me of truth through my child.

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