To God for us

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
Nothing exhilarates me more than God revealing a mystery (Colossians 1:26). When you read something you've read before again and then click, you just get it. Before that moment it was simply illusive: God killed Jesus. According to Passover regulations, at precisely 3 pm, the High Priest took a sharp knife and slit the throat of the umblemished sacrificial lamb of the whole of Isreal. And so in Mark 22:34-38 we read how God (the High Priest) took Jesus (the unblemished lamb) as our sacrifice. And to give us a visual, "the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom," (v. 38) a picture of God (the High Priest) slitting of the throat. This cutting did much more because it allowed ALL who asked Jesus to be their sacrificial lamb to enter the presence of God.
And looking back to the Ephesians 5:2 passage, I see how Jesus as the unblemished Lamb was different than a lamb selected for the Passover feast. A lamb in the Passover feast was taken against its will to give to God. Jesus gave himself for us, to God! Now that's love. Pure. Unselfish. Love.

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