Hey devil get your junk out of here

Wednesday,  May 2, 2012
I hate Satan. My mentor once said that and I can’t think of any better way to put it. I hate how crafty and conniving he is. That he would choose to use the ones I love to steal my joy. Oftentimes, the downcast, disheartened attitudes of the ones I love tend to steal the abundant life that Christ generously has offered me. “Satan does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly,” John 10:10. Satan uses these less than enthusiastic, negative conversations with the ones I love to plant seeds of doubt and fear in my head. “But perfect love drives out fear,” I John 4:18. Christ is perfect love. I want to retaliate and choose not to talk with these anymore, but am I not to return evil with good? Therefore, I stand on my Rock and I claim the full life that He offers and I sing, “Hey Devil, go on, get your junk out of here. I don’t need you, so move along,” and I count…

1.       Yoga and showered by 5am
2.       Farmington Greenhouse
3.       Wilting dandelions
4.       Seeds in the garden before the rain
5.       Alphabet training app
6.       Kare11 app with weather alerts
7.       Rhubarb – first “fruit of the plains,” Joe Hanser
8.       Cupcakes for daddy coming home
9.       Steady whistle of train
10.   Phone call from the engineer
11.   Hip to hip in the chair, snuggled under blanket warm
12.   Glitter in blonde hair
13.   Working with my hands
14.   Shreds of sweet coconut
15.   Picking girls up from school
16.   Discipline that leads to a repentant heart
17.   “Yes, Mommy”
18.   Barnes & Noble Gift Card
19.   Ability to give gifts
20.   Ding for You’ve Got Mail
21.   Hum of wash machine
22.   Beep of fridge…door’s open
23.   Top Secret Binders and sticky notes
24.   The golden heads choosing shopping
25.   Stillness after the wind and storm
26.   Stamps at CVS
27.   Cycle shop fixing the lawnmower tire
28.   Seas of green potted plants
29.   Big flies that are easy to find and swat
30.   Lunch Menu
31.   Soft fuzzy slippers that warm toes
32.   New dark purple shower curtain
33.   New unstretched ponytails
34.   Lotion that softens tough skin
35.   Lip Balm tenderizing chapped lips
36.   First pinkish haze of sun in the 4:30am sky
37.   Safety of my golden heads
38.   Flexible muscles
39.   Toning muscles
40.   Red and yellow strip on black birds – stark contrast
41.   Blogger
42.   Contrasts: Kill/destroy & life/abundance
43.   Being according to the Spirit – Romans 8:5
44.   Perfect baby white teeth

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