- Jesus
- Tangled hair that went to be wet
- Backs of sisters, side by side
- Two pairs of eyes reading the Word in unison
- Warmth of fireplace
- Creative play of little girl
- God’s Word alive and active
- Crisp, fresh pages of the Text
- Starbucks
- Time with God
- Honking of geese
- Mist across pond in sunrise
- Budding of trees
- Springs’ first flower: tulips
- Watering in pajamas
- Compassionate golden head extending grace
- Strength to battle strong, suborn will
- Green tractor in field
- Smell of fresh paint
- Smell of fresh baked bread
- Kidney match for Micah
- Smile of an 11-year old
- Neighbor girls to play with: Emma, Ellie
- Trampoline
- Bandaids
- 8-year old’s eagerness to begin list of 100 things…
- Hunger
- The engineer
- The engineer’s job
- Spring rain
- Sunrise, different every morning
- Sara Richards
- Compassionate daughter
- Calculating daughter
- Boisterous daughter
- Coffee, black
- Cell phones
- Twinkle toes
- Smiles
- Compassionate golden head’s self-confidence
- Calculating one’s determination
- Alicia
- Chicken Enchiladas
- Neighbors
- Caring Bridge
- Mayo Clinic
- Gail
- Andrea & Aleena
- Boisterous one’s spirit
- Canvas Church
- Bookmark in the perfect spot: April 24, Alicia’s birthday
- Sunshine when rain was forecasted
- Bikes
- Girl time
- Origami dogs
- Smiles of little girls
- Chores
- Mystery of fog
- Sunshine after the rain
- Day with girls
- All the body
- Lungs breath in and out
- Heart beats steadily
- Strong legs that carry
- Digestive system working
- Immune system
- Metabolism
- Ribs that protect heart
- Waist that bends body
- Hips that carry and bear babies
- Home
- Wedding ring
- Prayer with the engineer
- Engineer’s navigating skill
- Engineer’s attention to details
- Newsies on broadway
- Strength in the engineer’s arms and legs
- Unshakeable faith of the engineer
- Leadership of the engineer
- Forbearance from the engineer
- Wise mentor
- Long hair, brown
- Fine hair on face
- Power of God come down when I lack patience
- Nail polish
- Fragrance of flowers on trees
- Flipping on hair around head to flash a smile
- Dance
- Popcorn
- Three girls in one bed
- Big sister helps little sister spell her name
- Forgiveness from the compassionate one
- Detangler
- Ponytails
- Braids
- Couch
- Thai peanut sauce
- Roasted veggies
- Cheese
- Garlic
- Eave keeping house dry
- Pink blossoms on tree
- Blur of white in gusts across horizon
- Yellow on wheels
- Workout dvd in basement
- Reese pieces
- Birthday parties
- Peanut butter eggs
- Whoppers
- Star of the week
- Mrs. Foster
- Excited small voice reading Old McNoah
- Jellybean soup
- Baby
- Yogurt
- Berries, red and blue
- Bananas so sweet
- Make believe
- Texting
- Holy Spirit
- Oatmeal with apples and banana
- Sugar & cinnamon on muffin
- Peanut butter
- Paper and pen
- On the Shores of Silver Lake
- Tall grass bend in wind
- Drip of rain
- Run of nose on boisterous face
- New mittens
- Holy Word of God
- Christ’s endurance for the joy set before
- Joy that is possible
- Christ defeating the death
- Hope
- TIME with God
- Dry house
- Flashes of light in sky
- Peace
- Jesus Calling
- Workout finished by 5:15
- Dawn
- Sarah
- Intimate prayer with each of the golden head girls
- Music
- Ambersky dance moves
- Christ’s power available to me
- Dreams
- McDonalds (the smiles it brings)
- Van
- 4 bathrooms
- Pianos
- Shopping
- Coupons
- Cash
- Airplanes
- “Own time”
- Splat of tiny raindrops on window
- Big drops rolling down pane
- Dream of Derrick
- Banana bread
- Dad
- The “yes” from Madi…the party’s here
- Sutterfly
- Vacuum
- List of to dos
- Treats for the class
- Silk flowers
- Rhinestones
- Sewing machine
- Sewing project
- Choices
- Menus
- Telling time with calculated one
- Hot tub
- Boisterous one “reading”
- Imaginary friend, “Lisa”
- Satisfaction felt after fixing
- Anticipation of fun
- 10 for 10 Sales
- Dead flies
- Flower pots
- Spinach
- Joy of baking
- Eyes
- Focusing on the nearer, not the further
- Green
- Poetry Café
- Big sisters
- Butter
- Daddy coming home
- Princess book
- Reading
- “Think” (Pooh)
- Anne Streeter
- Inductive Bible Study
- Bend of trees, looks like dancing
- Razor
- Shampoo
- WiFi at McDonalds
- Strong backs
- Five of us together
- Early bedtime
- Stretching muscles
- Blueberry Frosted Mini Wheats
- The blue-green right before sunrise
- Grandparents
- Heart to heart with grandma
- Home
- Christian Stanfill’s “Jesus Paid it All”
- Christ saving me from death, paid my debt!
- Texting
- Spooning close in bed
- Short prayers so we can get to sleep faster
- Popcorn prayers
- Warmth of the engineer’s body in bed
- 5 around the fireplace in the morning
- Sweats
- Patience and endurance of cousins raising a little boy with downs
- LifeLight
- Tick tock of clocks
- Graphics
- Checks in the mailbox
- Watching the calculated one write a book just like I used to when I was little
- Watching the boisterous one make a wall of cereal boxes to hide behind
- Listening to the compassionate one retell a story
- Leftovers
- Sweet, juice flowing from oranges
- Gummy vitamins
- Yeast
- Packages in the mail
- Stack of grapefruit
- Drops of dew on glades of grass
- Arranged shoes
- Blue bird
- A body that can run
- Bike paths
- Humility
- Quick to forgiveness
- Forbearance
- WeedBGone
- Babysitters
- Freezers overflowing
- Casserole in the fridge
- Shadows cast upon the table
- Imagination
- Dirty bathtub water
- Being made in the image of God
- Tiller
- Three golden heads in a row, umbrellas, flip-flops & stocking hats in tow
- Date night
- Grandparents “babysitting”
- New clothes
- The engineer’s wisdom toward my insecurity
- Lord’s will always prevailing
- Understanding
- Pruning shears
- Sitting on the same side of the booth
- Minestrone soup
- Kohl’s cash
- Sacrifice of cousins to spend a birthday with the compassionate one
- Sacrifice of the great-grands to have cousins together
- Open hands
- Intimacy after a shower
- Installed light fixtures
- Health to entertain
- Resources to entertain
- 20 birthday party guests
- A smiling mother-in-law
- The engineer’s eyes that find me desirable
- Pointed top of the evergreen tree
- Puddles
- Mud on the trampoline
- Fragrance of basil
- Journaling
- Giving gifts to the golden girls
- Celebrate plate
- Milk in a bag
- Juice in a bag
- Butter on sale
- Orderly rows of growth
- Line bread in the heavy clouds that streaks a burst of pink at sunrise
- Joy in the face of the children
- 12” bike in the grass
- Flicker of birthday candles
- Lite Brite
- Garden pot spinach
- 3 RSVPs from friends
- Flower hair clips
- Candy necklaces
- Melon seeds
- Lucas’ value of family
- Dad’s gift of service
- Mom’s love language of gifts
- Jessica’s commitment to family
- Traci’s wisdom shared
- Handprint on patio window
- An attitude changed from frump to joyful
- Family for birthday parties
- God glorifying conversation with Dawn
- Play group for the boisterous one
- Teaching of the Word
- Blue Letter Bible dissecting the Hebrew & Greek
- Revelation from God – Proverbs 29:18
- Challenge to know the engineer better & fall more in love with
- Falling more in love with Jesus
- Constant communion with Christ
- Kelli
- Hug from a new friend
- The engineer meeting with with John
- Poetry Café
- Confidence of the compassionate one
- Carli’s high five
- Lemonade and cookies
- Snapfish & shutterfly
- Oil changed
- Boisterous noticing forgotten lunch then walking to bus stop
- Stephanie
- Tani
- Molly
- Fresh creamy yogurt
- Curl of ribbon
- Balloons that bring smiles
- Refrigerator
- Dishwasher
- Convection oven
- Microwave
- Running water
- Smell of clean towel
- Boisterous one darting through the hallway after bedtime
- “Payback” on a bike ride hill
- Boisterous one “reading” the Bible
- Rocking chairs roll back and forth
- Running in the rain
- My Helper: God’s Holy Spirit
- Evening bike ride
- Sunglasses
- Smiles of passerbyers on the trail
- Rhubarb, tart and tangy
- Streusel
- Piano Duets
- Trumpet
- Whirling breeze of ceiling fan at bedtime
- Watching the Calculated blossom into the person God created her to be
- Never being finished reading the Bible
- Listening to the boisterous one quote scripture
- Playing teacher
- God directing steps
- The Lord’s Table
- Anne Streeter’s Inductive Bible Study on Colossians
- Daniel Fast during Lent 2011
- Sunlight pouring through puffy thunderheads
- Respect being learned
- Zodiates
- Black stamens inside the tulip that stand in contrast to the light petals
- Ribbon
- Snow in July
- Warm spring evening drive alone
- Music that lifts spirits and pierces heart
- Allrecipes app
- Maps
- Jewelry
- Last of the trees finally budding out
- Getting to know women better
- Spring bling catching the sunlight and reflecting all over kitchen walls
- Calculated one’s repentant heart
- Look in the engineer’s eyes that says how much he loves me
- Finding the Bluetooth
- Joyous anticipation of a weekend at a cabin
- Mother-in-law that radiates peace, calm and servanthood
- Caringbridge website
- Doorbell ringing
- Verbal affirmation from the engineer
- Trimming the Maple “bushes” into trees
- Garden all tilled
- Long dark eyelashes
- Crockpots
- Roadtrips
- Nectar so that bees make honey
- Alarm clocks not set
- Lilacs beautiful green and aromatic flowers
- Walmart
- Missing my older sister…it means we have relationship
- Planting time
- Pencil, paper and planning
- Singing while playing piano
- Montana pumpkin seeds in Minnesota soil
- Order and organization
- Sleepy bed eyes that find mom to snuggle
- Sleeping in “sister’s” room
- The engineer hogging the bed
- Smell of ham in the oven
- Bright green crinkle in spinach leaves
- Unique shape of seeds
- Catching rainwater in buckets
- Fertilizer
- Preen
- 2-4-D
- Joy that bright yellow dandelions bring little girls
- Lumber yard in town
- Milk and orange juice in a bag
- Punch card for milk club
- Sisters playing school
- Beating the rain
- “Tomorrow” sung somewhat in unison by three golden heads
- Potlucks
- New recipes
- Endless variety of fabric...choices
- Leftovers for lunch
- Song of rain on windows
- Shelves
- Overhearing imaginative play
- Dirty blonde hair
- Dress jammies
- Sun freckles
- Lori
- Balance
- Cowlicks
- The engineer’s first soufflĂ©
- “I’ll lick your cookie for you.”
- Sleeping in forts
- Sleepbags and pillows for padding against a concrete floor
- Nightlights
- Bedtime prayers in the fort
- Panentheism – Colossians 1:15-17
- Playing Hearts in the fort
- Allrecipes app
- Golden heads not fighting
- Naps that revive a spirit
- Emergen-C
- Garage organized
- The peacefulness felt by the engineer after the organization
- Mirrors that give more to see
- Straight orderly arch of irrigation system
- Alianese
- “Mom, you are gorgeous.”
- Moving the dining room chair closer to sister
- Nascar
- The engineer picking – it makes him him
- Blueberries
- Burps (or something worse) followed by “excuse me”
- Graceful flight of birds
- Pointy leaves of a maple
- Mystical haze in the morning air
- Silhouette of a small evergreen, zigzags from point to base
- Ical
- Squint of eyes that protect from sun, bugs & small flying dust particles
- Ingenious Creator
- Basil in a pot
- New mercies every morning
- Eagerness of the girls to spend time with mom and dad
- The engineer’s hand on me at daybreak, inviting me to snuggle closer
- Destination Dairy Queen bike ride
- Eight yellow turning black goslings swim and waddle between parents
- Yoga and showered by 5am
- Farmington Greenhouse
- Wilting dandelions
- Seeds in the garden before the rain
- Alphabet training app
- Kare11 app with weather alerts
- Rhubarb – first “fruit of the plains,” Joe Hanser
- Cupcakes for daddy coming home
- Steady whistle of train
- Phone call from the engineer
- Hip to hip in the chair, snuggled under blanket warm
- Glitter in blonde hair
- Working with my hands
- Shreds of sweet coconut
- Picking girls up from school
- Discipline that leads to a repentant heart
- “Yes, Mommy”
- Barnes & Noble Gift Card
- Ability to give gifts
- Ding for You’ve Got Mail
- Hum of wash machine
- Beep of fridge…door’s open
- Top Secret Binders and sticky notes
- The golden heads choosing shopping
- Stillness after the wind and storm
- Stamps at CVS
- Cycle shop fixing the lawnmower tire
- Seas of green potted plants
- Big flies that are easy to find and swat
- Lunch Menu
- Soft fuzzy slippers that warm toes
- New dark purple shower curtain
- New unstretched ponytails
- Lotion that softens tough skin
- Lip Balm tenderizing chapped lips
- First pinkish haze of sun in the 4:30am sky
- Safety of my golden heads
- Flexible muscles
- Toning muscles
- Red and yellow strip on black birds – stark contrast
- Blogger
- Contrasts: Kill/destroy & life/abundance
- Being according to the Spirit – Romans 8:5
- Perfect baby white teeth
- Teachable moments
- Tylenol
- Sprinklers
- Water balloons
- Doctors & walk-in clinics
- Two-hour sit of the boisterous one
- Finger smudges on the wall
- Being still
- Kind pediatrician
- Warm and inviting medical clinic
- Kind affirmations from father-in-law & mother-in-law
- Wind to blow away tree worms
- Table Saw
- Excitement about homework
- Sweet strawberries at $1.19/#
- Eager hands to pack groceries
- Perseverance of the calculating one
- Three golden heads speaking all at once, excited to see daddy
- Judy Moody…
- The compassionate one up in the middle of the night with sister’s bad dream
- The compassionate one praying when I’m clean out of compassion
- Teaching the golden heads
- Teachable spirits
- Zumba
- Golden heads helping dad build
- Saving for a Hello Kitty camera
- Safety through the storm
- Documentaries
- Working alongside the compassionate one
- Daddy treating the golden heads to a movie
- Ruined appetites from popcorn & milk duds
- Wonder of finding the lost thought gone
- Diamonds to pass down to a golden head
- Fragrance of washed hair
- Playing teacher with the golden heads
- Thank you notes
- Invitation to God’s kingdom
- Gift of righteousness given after saving faith
- Being the object of God’s love
- Being a chosen child of God
- Pillow talk with Derrick
- A dream shared
- A struggle shared
- Edification from the engineer
- Leadership of the engineer
- Quicken
- Budget meetings
- Opportunity to tithe
- Condensation on window panes
- Worms wriggling across path
- The engineer memorizing Colossians
- The boisterous one falling asleep without sucking
- Pink casts
- Gifts that brighten the face when you have a broken arm
- Two blonde toddler heads in the stroller
- Friends at the park
- Walk with a friend
- “”Shoot, shoot, shoot,” says the boisterous one
- Coffee with a friend in the sunroom
- Grandma in heaven, perfection
- Time to rebuild connections with family
- Leaving a Lois Legacy
- Peace during mourning
- Legacy of grandma
- Cousins playing in the rain
- Basement room at visitation for cousins to play in
- Priceless memories of staying with mom & dad while waiting to buy a home
- Mom sharing health issue with me
- All ten siblings and mom and dad around the table for pizza at home
- Coffee with Derrick on the deck
- Inspiring cousins raising Shaedyn with downs
- Micah’s smile
- Heart-bearing talk with Traci
- Thirty-minute drive to Beaver Creek
- Memories shared of grandma
- Cousins playing a “game”
- Daniel servant-leading the cousins
- Derrick quietly supporting my grief
- Ten grandkids singing “Jesus Loves Me”
- Aliya sleeping through the funeral
- Grace of God and family to pull Grandpa through
- Grandma’s faith example leading grandpa to faith
- No outbursts with Jess
- Dar making it through “Consider the Lilies”
- Grace sufficient in weakness
- All grandkids and great-grands at the funeral
- Cousins to play with
- Hospitality shared
- Serving mom and dad a steak dinner
- First campfire smoke of the year
- Toasted outside of marshmallow
- Spongy, soft, sweet angel food
- Servant mother-in-law
- Knowing Pipestone is home
- Serving mom a meal
- Lucas’ gift of hospitality
- Beautiful hymnal chords and harmonizing
- Desire to be a better person
- Written word to and from people
- Joy of accomplishment
- Alka-Seltzer
- Grandma’s famous smiley faces
- Sticky notes
- Garden hose word-picture of grandma giving
- Potato heads
- Last minute hugs at the bus stop
- Night sounds: crickets, frogs
- Cool breeze
- Lynda Randall’s, “God on the Mountain”
- Little footprints on the wet floor
- Play necklaces adorning the patio furniture
- New rising sun peering through on a cloudy day
- Capris that still fit
- Sweat
- White fluffy seeds fluttering through the breeze
- Boisterous one looking up at me
- Baths that cool us down and refresh
- Donating hair to Locks of Love
- Top Secret with Leba
- Watches so the girls can be home at 5
- Walking and talking with girls to the park
- Painted turtle
- Praying on skype
- Having sisters so you CAN fight
- Cast clubbing me in bed
- Feet digging into my legs under the covers
- Wind died down for a while
- Grand Day with two grandmas here
- Yard sale find of Little House series
- Puzzles on the floor
- Girl time
- The compassionate one baking brownies for cousins
- Zumba
- Tripod (yoga) with the girls
- Back hero (stretch) with the girls
- The engineer getting a haircut
- Mischievous cousins painting each others’ faces
- Six cousins playing for hours on the trampoline
- Serving my sister by cleaning
- The biggest, longest hug from my sister
- Working alongside mom and grandma
- Micah having dessert with the adults
- Being close enough to go help for the day
- Hearing Rebekah and Micah play piano recital pieces
- A nap on the drive home
- Strawberry rhubarb pie
- All the colors in the sky
- Planting the garden as a family
- Smell of the tiller on the engineer
- Pippi Longstocking field trip
- Assembling the wheel barrow with the compassionate one
- Crystal clear reflection in the pond
- That I have a pond outside my home
- Lettuce & spinach growing in a pot on the deck
- Sticky spot on the floor
- Flour dusted onto the kitchen floor
- Rainy day to shop with the girls
- Goodwill Toddler Thursday
- Speaking through the thunder – Be still
- Clean basement
- Godly, wise saints who share insight
- Prayer after a bad dream
- Going back to bed after that prayer
- Grandma Edna teaching me to send them back to bed
- The bad dream that woke me early to do yoga
- Itunes to download and listen instantly
- Landa’s influence on my life
- Plants withstanding the wind
- The engineer having breakfast with us
- Mail to send
- Peace Lilly
- Pillows on bed
- Things the compassionate one gave thanks for: bed, clothes, pillows, food, ?
- Wisdom to lead her toward gratitude
- “If you can’t decide what to wear, you have too many clothes,” dad
- Saving for the hello kitty camera
- The calculating one, thriving with a plan
- The calculating one sharing her new ponies
- Empathy from my mother-in-law
- Rustling of aspens
- Cottonwoods spinning cotton, reminding me of Montana
- Boisterous one’s scribbles in my book
- Ability to rebuke Satan
- Jesus drinking the cup of wrath intended for me
- The compassionate one in the front seat
- Remembering clean underwear
- Boisterous one singing “Amazing Grace”
- Calculating one requesting “Amazing Grace” while riding on the tube
- Goldhead’s penmanship in Grandma’s card
- Being able to give Grandma a small birthday gift
- Rhubarb Torte
- Being able to take girls to the lake
- New tube
- Suckers on the boat
- Seeing the engineer on the boat
- All nine of us in the boat
- Evening visit with mom and dad
- Phase 10 game
- Amazing wall cloud
- Not down pouring when the engineer picked up Dar’s
- “New story, new story” and then dad telling a story
- Mom playing doctor
- Visit with Holly
- Cool night breeze in a hot stuffy room
- Listening to grandma and grandpa visit with the goldenheads
- Worship at Faith Community
- Katrina leading worship
- Standing with hand high and heart abandoned
- Spirit convicting of sin
- Walk and talk with Kayla
- A summer ahead to play
- Scenic route
- Slowing down to go through little towns
- Mississippi valley
- Two-lane roads
- Diverse beauty from state to state
- Iowa farmland
- Small town Culver’s
- 90’s music station
- Baseball field nestled among cornfields
- Elissa’s Benjamin
- 2 snapping turtles on my run
- Enough water pressure to make sprinkler spin
- God knowing intricate details of my body
- Forgiveness from the engineer
- No condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)
- Camping
- Relevant worship experiences for the girls
- Mom teaching me about spraying weeds, gardening, landscaping, decorating
- Eagerness to see my sister
- Bible Camp
- Flower seeds sprouting in front of house
- Closer connection with Bryce & Kayla
- Dad texting
- Perseverance to fix drawer, hang towel bar and shade
- Looking at the Bible camp website with the compassionate one
- The calculating one playing Little Red
- The older golden heads loving school
- The compassionate one beginning to wear deodorant…growing up
- The compassionate one being invited to Carli’s birthday party
- Conversations with Carli’s mom-Kelly
- The hymnal – teaching the golden heads “Seek Ye First”
- Energy to stay up until 2am & wake at 5am
- Time to be still
- Fingerprints & smudges to clean up after
- The calculating one praying for me
- The compassionate one voluntarily weeding the garden
- “I’m not working as hard as I should be,” while weeding
- Pizza on the deck
- Barbeque sauce
- Twenty-four egg whites whipped to firm peaks
- Mock-Angelfood cake with strawberries and whipped cream
- Being able to celebrate Lucas’ birthday with him
- The celebrate plate….yea, sissies are home for summer!
- Help from golden heads packing for camping
- Packing lists
- The big girls helping the boisterous one take a shower
- Choosing to forgo sleep to help mom pack
- Good communication with the older golden heads
- Plenty of food to pack
- Bing cherries on sale
- Bean and corn salsa
- Golden heads sleeping in so I can spend more time thanking in a list
- Golden heads wanting to be with me
- Golden heads telling me how to be a better mom and person
- Compassionate one’s opinion about the tent
- Feeling like I’m outside of myself…acting godly, not like me
- All five of us hanging out on the boat
- Cousins tubing
- Micah driving the boat
- Showing up late to dinner because we took kids tubing
- Help that the compassionate one gives the family
- Family dynamic realized
- Opportunity for compassionate one to go to Bible Camp
- The calculating one trying on my wedding dress
- The calculating one reading to little sister
- The calculating one entering the chocolate chip cookie contest
- The boisterous one picking up the puppet at the library
- Figuring out audiobooks for the golden heads
- Finding a Mandie audiobook
- The engineer memorizing scripture during his commute
- Deck wash
- A “think” with the calculating one
- Retaining wall bricks leveled
- Washing of garden gloves in the rain
- The boisterous one’s raincoat
- Designing for Verox
- Printer in Farmington
- 7:30 summer mornings
- “I love school” plastered on take homes
- Rotating tires
- Giffey’s coming to visit
- Lazy mornings
- Finishing the bike path
- The engineer and I agreeing on deck stain
- Mourning Dove’s cry
- Knowing how to fix a bike tire
- Evening walk
- Calculating one sewing & seam ripping
- Solar light dragon fly
- Watching the dragon fly with the girls for the first time
- Showing the girls lighting bugs
- Hot summer night sitting on the front porch
- 5% back on Delta plan ticket
- Airport taxi
- Dry basement after so much rain
- Basement shelter in the storm
- Culver’s frozen custard
- Messing up the boisterous one’s order so I got frozen custard
- Swimming with the golden heads two days in a row
- Sand castles and sand birthday cakes
- Staying at the lake until 6
- Alicia revealing her heart
- Golden heads helping me shop
- Patience to make it through the shopping
- Being able to treat them to lunch
- 3 more Scoops tokens
- Giffeys arriving safely
- Kids not missing a beat
- Big kids talking until 10
- Heart to heart with Gail past midnight
- The compassionate one offering to take out the trash
- The engineer’s flight arriving earlier than previously thought
- Micah being able to spend the night at home..not Mayo
- Opportunity for Micah to see his doctor for a check-up
- The miracle You’re going to do in Micah’s life
- Big kids up and excited to be together at 6am!
- Kids Camp pictures
- Ability to mop the kitchen floor & wash away “sticky”
- Seven kids climbing onto the hammock with me in the middle
- Popcorn all over the ground…feeding the birds
- Bottle caps on the table
- Ice cream in a bag with the older kids
- Naps for the middle kids
- Treasure in heaven
- Opportunity to go to Kracht Garbage Day
- Being “emotional support” for grandma and mom
- Ability to share insight about marital roles with mom
- Derrick’s eagerness to serve at Garbage Day
- Delburt’s verbal gratitude expressed to Derrick
- Watching fathers and sons work together
- Watching brothers and cousins work together
- Safety getting home although sleepy
- Really sleeping until 8am
- Folgers
- Shawna serving grandpa compassionately...making scrapbooks
- A Sabbath without golden heads
- Family planning on the calculating one’s birthday party
- A week without being mom
- The golden heads eagerly staying at grandma’s for a week
- Eagerness of grandpa & grandma to have them a week
- Compassionate one making special K bars for grandpa
- Wanting grandpa to have the leftovers
- Visiting with uncle Carl
- Boisterous one’s kisses for grandpa great
- Cousins swimming for hours in the stainless steel calf feeder
- Find the boisterous one’s capris and undies
- Boisterous one so excited for grandma Barb’s play dough
- Living close enough to make a day trip “home”
- Laughing with the engineer about pulling the wrong chain for the ceiling fan
- Ripstick
- Ripping out cooper tubing with the skid loader
- Luke’s leadership
- Praying Philippians 2:1-4 for Kestrel
- Good movies
- Soaker hoses
- Blueletterbible.com
- Memories of the farm
- Picture of compassionate one and dad with the baby pigs
- Dew drops
- “Life is like a mountain railway” on itunes
- Over half the deck stained
- Drier weather to stain
- Cool morning breeze
- Fish in the pond
- Soaker hose
- Grandpa getting enough money to pay for the funeral
- Lunch & friendship with Alicia
- Running beside corn that I just barely taller than
- Having a birthday cake to make
- Slip & Slide
- Cousins coming to the party
- Having the deck stained
- Tiki Torches
- Repentance from selfishness
- Campfire with just the two of us
- Mulch in the flower bed
- Home Depot having plastic sheeting
- Bakery buns
- Java Chip Frappuccino @ Starbucks
- Realizing my homemade ones are just as good
- Stack of brush…gone
- Wearing a dress just because
- Shopping
- Finding the engineer half way between Eagan & Woodbury
- Going to “work” with the engineer
- Sitting in the little café for 30 minutes with the engineer
- Not getting our chicken so I could have Starbucks for lunch
- Not having to pay for our drinks & salad
- Opportunity to navigate new territory
- Tiny peppers
- Peas to pick
- Blossoms on the green beans
- Beets sprouting
- Sevin to stop Japanese beetles
- Learning to garden as a child
- Working from home
- Running up the stairs after dinner
- Peanut butter toast & apples for dinner
- Making jerky for Micah
- Note from Jessica
- Sun Tea
- Sitting on the engineer’s lap in his “office”
- Going to Target field with the engineer
- Seats in the shade
- Kettle corn
- Little old Farmington
- Collecting cups from sporting events
- Not getting hit by the train or the car
- Laughing about it later
- Ending the date perfectly
- Sleeping with the sheet on because its cool enough
- The calculating one calling me to tell me about her day at grandmas
- Opportunity to have Sechler cousins overnight
- Plans that give Micah a hope and a future
- Seeing spiritual growth in the calculating one
- Guarding my time in the morning with God
- Having my girls home again
- Swapping Caleb for Braelyn
- Having to drive two vehicles because we have too many kids
- Grandpa Great coming to the party
- Dar driving him
- The engineer praying before dinner
- Bean Salsa getting 5 Stars
- Providing a meal for our family
- Birthday ice cream jello-cake in the shape of a butterfly
- The calculating one’s new hat and sunglasses
- The engineer being okay with 6 little girls in his house
- Getting more solar lights for the flower bed
- Four cousins on one air matress
- Four cousins in the hot tub
- Having a hot shower after 6 baths
- Perfect weather for slip & slide
- Mom & Dad helping with errands for the party
- Watering the garden
- Carter’s seal stunt that inspired everyone to try it
- Saving the cucumber plant
- Carter & Daniel surfing down the slip & slide
- Watching the dads do slip & slide
- The engineer burning his back because he did more sliding than he thought
- Having a campfire because the girls cousins got to stay
- Watching them roast marshmallows & eat s’mores & s’moreos
- Timing Braelyn while she burned her mallows
- Cowboy gulf with the engineer, the compassionate one and Braelyn
- Crush, Mountain Dew, sunglasses & four cousins posing for a picture
- Email from Ashley
- Grandpa stopping to see Micah
- Listening to the cousins play
- Canny bucks for bringing friends
- NOT vacuuming before the party
- Working WITH the engineer
- Slippers on in summer
- Bakery buns
- Free coupons at McDonalds
- “Take all the time you need”
- Rebekah sitting next to me in the chair
- Hanging out with the big 4 in the sunroom
- Taking six kids to the lake
- Being with the VanKlei ladies
- Cousins getting the golden heads out of comfort zone on the tubes
- Pizza & movie party starting at 9:30pm
- Traci calling me
- Family night board game & movie
- Water balloons with or without water
- Traci sharing Isaiah 26:3
- “Normal” routine
- Where you are…there you are
- Visit with Heather
- The Oasis
- Humid, hot growing weather
- Being an hour from Rochester
- Micah’s smiles
- Bringing the Sechler three Italian
- The golden heads being patient and not whining at the hospital
- Knowing we can bring more goodies to them
- Texting with mom
- Jessica keeping the other Sechler three
- Quiet 4th of July
- Ginger Pye with the big girls
- Meat thermometer
- Night to myself
- Coffee ice cream with oreos
- Able to run 4-miles
- Cold shower to cool my body
- Clothes wet from sweat
- Ability to memorize
- Golden heads giving each other pedicures
- Cool down in forecast
- Clouds to block sun’s intensity
- Cooler temps for Celebrate Freedom
- Time away from golden heads that gives perspective
- Hot sun room
- Garden tripling in size
- Pumpkin plant runaway
- Pool
- Ice cream that fills a room of family friends
- Ken's 85-year perspective
- Children's Museum
- Blossoms in flowers
- Sprinkler system watering garden
- Heat for crops
- Open communication with the engineer
- Morning kisses
- Pink sunglasses on little face
- The compassionate one waterskiing
- Cousins playing
- Playground obstacle course
- Dads being dads
- Wand Fairies
- Haircuts
- Dessert on a bedsheet
- Wind that cools
- Sun Tea
- Song
- The engineer strumming guitar strings
- Flowers started from seed
- iFit Daily Workout
- Grandma enjoying day with golden heads
- Blogging
- Affirmations from Gail
- Connection to Melissa
- Playing with Ben & Ellie
- Ellie counting down to July 1
- Fresh cut lawn
- 2-4D
- Ice cream with coffee
- Reading late on summer's night
- Beaver birthday
- Sleeping with windows open
- Rising with the sun
- Texting with Kayla
- Chorus of birds
- Cool mornings
- Engineer on the deck, bent over Bible
- Compassionate one reading an entire biography in one day
- Prayer...connecting with God in another realm
- City on a Hill
- Girls in pool excited about church
- Serving in 4-H
- Backyard pool family day
- Friends on birthday
- Planning birthday with Beaver
- Ear pierced
- Hammock on summer's day
- Broccoli cut from garden
- Fresh zuchinni sliced on pizza
- Barbecue sauce drizzled
- 4-H birthday treats
- Bumming Saturday with engineer
- Walking through vineyard
- Learning from the vinedresser
- Pruning on me--focus on less and get more fruit
- Always loving yet not always approving
- Dawn engaged...redemption
- Shopping at home
- New friend for Aliya
- Pool with neighbors
- 4-year olds pushing strollers
- Spying a KTIS bumper sticker on the car as I got to know new a neighbor
- Twinkle in the Calculating Beaver's eye as we chatted birthday cupcakes
- Mashed potatoes on a hot summer day
- Hospitality
- Sweat
- Shower
- Box fan in window
- The engineer shaving
- Not taking offense on correction
- Opening heart to engineer
- The engineer calling me on judging
- Calculating beaver and the engineer cleaning green beans
- First cucumber
- Google for gardening
- Zinnia blooms
- Movie night
- Beauty salon by the compassionate one
- The boisterous one's pudgy nose
- Pillow talk
- Walk turning into a run
- Air conditioning
- Hot weather for slip & slide
- Chloe...best cousins forever!
- Suds on the deck
- Humid growing nights
- First tassel
- Avocado sprout almost to top of seed
- Watching birds perched on rain gutter
- Starting a new book
- Email from friend
- The calculating beaver's first sleepover at friend's house
- Avon slippers
- Calm still night
- Clear pool
- Fresh cut lawn
- Helpful attitudes at Cub
- Coupons
- Lemonade Stand sign
- Green beans galore
- Creamy cucumbers
- Grilled everything
- ACTS prayer
- Ice-cream in Dakota City's Drug Store
- Friends at the fair
- The calculating beaver's decision to show pigs next year
- Watching the compassionate one feeding and watering
- The compassionate one in the show-ring
- The fair
- Two awards of excellence
- A fan club
- Learning
- New friends
- Tammy loaning back packing gear
- Getting to know the Nelsons
- Emergen-C to the sore throat rescue
- The calculating beaver working out
- Arguing over the big muffin
- Morning duties
- Caribou
- Books on CD
- Public Library
- Reading out loud
- Fancy Nancy
- Olivia
- Classic literature - To Kill a Mocking Bird
- Short shorts to bed
- Shopping for back packing
- Zoom lens
- Dawn's text
- Dawn watching boisterous one & Carter
- Dehydrating produce
- Doug and Sarah hiking
- Mountains
- Flowers in the front
- Apologies given
- Four vegetables for dinner
- Obstacle relay race
- Green beans picked in race
- Playing Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Laura, Carrie, Grace
- Eating outside
- Grilled zucchini
- Eight quarts green beans canned
- Cucumbers
The musings of a daughter of the King, seeking her maker. I am a a wife, mom, servant, friend, seamstress, homemaker, baker/chef, and most importantly, a child of God.
1000 Gifts & Counting
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