Yesterday, in a moment of
adversity, my negative attitude attempted to get the best of me. It often
happens this way. Walking through my day, eyes fixed on Christ and then, oomph.
Bump in the road. I am convinced that these bumps are Satan’s best attempt to
gain a foothold in my life and be triumphant in taking my eyes off my Savior,
my power. As I stewed over what an inconvenience my bump was, I reminded myself
of what I had just discovered in reading, One
Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. Eucharisteo: Give thanks for God’s gifts and
joy will follow. Okay God, I’m thankful that I have this day to spend with three golden
heads. That I have food to make for lunch. And then He in all His
graciousness sent me another gift as evidence of His grace. Right outside my
kitchen window in the tree, I spy a blue bird.
This is not an everyday occurrence. I whisper, “Girls, come here quick.
You got to see this!” I hoist one after another up on the kitchen counter and
we peer out at the little guy. They had never seen a blue bird before. I recall
the bluebird of happiness my friend has given me for a graduation gift, and
then the little guy comes a little closer and perches up on the deck. We
watched him until he flew away a few minutes later. And my heart immediately
said, thank you Jesus for this gift. It is truly beautiful, not only the blue
bird himself, but the opportunity to share God’s creative genius with golden
heads. How can my heart not be overfilled with joy when I truly stop to thank
Him for all things?